Nexus iR&D Laboratory, LLC is a premier New England think tank and design firm of future technologies with headquarters currently located at the Reversible Collar Co. building, a member of the U.S. National Register of Historic Places, on Arrow Street in Harvard Square in Cambridge, MA. It is comprised of Harvard/MIT undergraduates, graduate students, alumni, and researchers with collaborators from a collective of various artistic, scientific, and technological sectors. Nexus iR&D Laboratory, LLC was founded with the intention of developing creative algorithmic and beautiful technological solutions to current issues of global concern.
Nexus iR&D Laboratory, LLC aims to accelerate discovery and advance understanding by generating and supporting innovative research projects which address fundamental questions in pure science and technology, public health, electronic commerce and communication, worldwide safety directives, art appreciation and the social networking experience.
Our current projects investigate the rapid detection of disease (including UTIs, STIs and cancer), tracking of symptoms of infection and epidemics, detection of short-range nuclear weapons, aggregation and analysis of big data for scientific, commercial, medical (personal genomics) and security purposes (including collective intelligence and emergency response), and the improvement of various salient features of education, social interaction, art, fashion, communication and networking (including emerging currencies and microbanking).
To date, Nexus iR&D Laboratory, LLC has successfully deployed two startups and an event series, namely, Weon Diagnostic Devices, Inc., Nyx Gallery, Inc., and Alpha.Nexus, in addition to continuing its efforts in developing new methodologies, software, and technology. Among its current protostartups are those focused on collective intelligence and emergency response, enhanced RSA security protocols, internet anonymity, drone tracking and delivery, startup generation, short-range nuclear weapons detection, tracking of epidemics, novel 3D X-ray medical imaging, confined particle beam treatment, personal genomics and social engineering, hyperlocal microbanking, and novel forms of communication through wearable technology.
Weon Diagnostic Devices, Inc., a Cambridge-based medical device firm, aims to deliver rapid and accurate detection of common diseases like cancer, heart disease, and infections (UTIs and STIs) at point-of-care and consumer levels.
Nyx Gallery, Inc., an online contemporary art gallery, aims to redefine the fine arts by facilitating and supporting a new dialogue among artists, designers, technologists, and scientists.
Alpha.Nexus is the first large-scale, corporate sponsored, technology-assisted networking event series organized by Nexus iR&D Laboratory, LLC. The inaugural Alpha.Nexus took place on the evening of May 24, 2016 at Le Laboratoire in Cambridge, MA.